
Education, Resources, & FAQ

for sharing the HJ promise

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The Educational Standard

The general education of HJ Promise is The Three Great Blessings!

Before asking individuals to commit themselves to the three HJ Promises, we want to make sure each of them have a foundation to make that commitment. This also provides an opportunity for the Principle to be taught and the truth to awaken something in their hearts. With this foundation, proclaiming the Promise verbally will shake the spirit world and the individuals’ hearts, opening a way for powerful next steps.

Each of the HJ Promises were crafted to follow the Three Great Blessings (just using different wording!). Please seek the guidance of your local HJ Promise Coordinator for guidance on developing content for this. Additionally, we have established a BASELINE example of education on the hjpromise.org website that can be directly used, referenced, or expanded upon. The online education is a baseline standard, meaning that Accomplishers can walk through the website with a friend, guests, etc. and it would certainly suffice. However, we highly encourage creating opportunities for deeper education to be received through local events, guest speakers, workshops, etc.

The Sanctifying prayer

1. Any activated Accomplisher can give this prayer.

2. The prayer is simple and can be given however one feels called to give it!

3. Here are some prayer points to consider:

  • For that person to discover a new relationship with God as their Heavenly Parent

  • For that person to centered on their relationship with God, mature themselves spiritually and in character

  • For that person to seek a beautiful, God-centered marriage through committing to integrity, purity, and fidelity

  • For that person to put humanity and the world first, using their God-given gifts and passions in taking care of the world and living for the sake of others

Signing Up

  1. You can sign up here: hjpromise.org/sign

  2. Immediately after completion, you will receive an email confirmation.

  3. To confirm whether your contact successfully signed up, reach out to your local Coordinator.

We are aware that some people may sign up before they have received the education. This is OKAY. However, it should be made note that if they have not fulfilled the entirety of the HJ Promise qualifications, they will NOT be officially considered as a Promiser or one of the 43.


Educational Resources

Please adhere to these resources in preparation of giving the content. Read and study these words to deepen your knowledge and understanding of what it means to take the Hyo Jeong Promise. The more you understand, the more confidently you will be able to share your heart with others!


Divine Principle

Part 1, Ch. 1, Section 3: “The Purpose of Creation”


Cheon Seong Gyeong

4.1.3: “The Purpose of Creation and the Three Great Blessings”


Unification Thought

“Theory of Education: Resemblance of God & the Three Great Blessings”


More resources to deepen your faith

YAYAM ONLINE godible.png


Daily 10-15 minute Hoon Dok Hwe that goes right to your phone or inbox



Divine Principle 40-day Daily Education with aclc

Daily Divine Principle Education at 6 PM EST on the ACLC Facebook Page

This consists of 1-hour Divine Principle lecture, Q & A, and commentary by ACLC ministers.



UTS is pleased to offer a unique opportunity to study Unification Thought online with distinguished Unification scholar Dr. Claude Perrottet. The Massive Open Online Course, or MOOC, can be taken for free or for credit for a fee.



 Frequently Asked Questions

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+What does "Hyo Jeong" mean?

“Hyo Jeong” [HJ] is the Korean word for filial piety which encompasses the deep longing of each human being to be one with the heart of God, our Heavenly Parent. It is the irresistible, unstoppable desire to bring happiness to our Heavenly Parent.

+What is an HJ Promise Accomplisher?

A youth or young adult who has made the HJ Promise and has brought 43 other youth or young adults to make the HJ Promise.

+Who should I be giving the HJ Promise to?

The HJ Promise is designed as a way to build your tribe as a youth or young adult, thus, it is primarily intended as an outreach tool. The primary target audience are unmarried persons who were not raised with (or have disconnected from) an understanding of True Parents’ teachings.

+Who should teach the HJ Promise content?

Anyone can teach it through the website! Simply walk through the website together with your contact. Or, you can host an event! If you’re hosting an event with your local community, you can work with your HJ Promise Coordinator or pastor on who would be best to give the education. If you want further education or support on education, you can set up opportunities to invite someone with the more training/experience to teach the content (i.e. local HJ Promise events) (i.e. 3-way zoom call with the accomplisher, the contact, and the teacher)

+Do I have to be the one to give the education?

No, you do not! We are developing online education that can be accessed by anyone, and you can also reach out to your local HJ Promise Coordinator to set something up to teach someone the HJ Promise Principles. We ask you to familiarize yourself with the education so that you feel comfortable and confident sharing the Promise with others, even if you do not teach the education yourself.


There are several different scenarios in which you can give the HJ Promise education to someone. Here are a few examples:

  • One-on-One
  • Group Sessions / Workshops
  • Youth Events (i.e. collaborating with a local Christian Church)
  • Concert You can be creative! Just make sure to fulfill the qualifications.


  1. Save the Front and Back card files from this folder here.
  2. Go to https://www.staples.com/services/printing/business-cards/standard-business-cards/ (Staples offers curbside pick-up or free delivery to your home). If you are having trouble with the link, go to Staples’s website > Printing Services > Business Cards > Standard Business Cards.
  3. Click on “Upload Your Own.”
  4. Upload the Front design to the “Front” tab, and upload the Back design to the “Back” tab. Be sure that the edges align.
  5. Click “Continue” and go to the order page. 250 cards is $14.99 plus tax, 500 cards is $19.99 plus tax. You can opt to do ground-shipping for free, or pick it up from a nearby store (if your local Staples is still open).


Many may feel called to share about the HJ Promise with a friend, family member, or even someone you meet on the street! This is great because the HJ Promise can be a powerful tool to use for leaving a meaningful impact on someone’s life. We call this “Street Promising.”

However, since substantial education is a requirement for fulfilling the HJ Promise, we suggest this process for street promising:

  1. Introduction of the HJ Promise (essentially showing and explaining the HJ Promise card)
  2. Verbal Declaration to the Promises and Sanctifying Prayer
  3. Invitation to an upcoming HJ Promise event/session/one-on-one with you (make sure to get their contact information!)

+I'm Blessed and married already. Am I able to be an HJ Promise Accomplisher?

Yes! Just note that those who you are asking to sign the pledge need to be unmarried. Also, please visit TribeNet for further tribal messiahship that you can participate in.

+What are the next steps for a Christian or Religious Clergy?

The suggested next step for a Christian pastor/clergy/leader might be to follow the ACLC track of attending a DP Forum.

+Who do I report my results to?

Report your results to your local Coordinator. Use the tracking form on the How to Start page as a way to track and update your results.


The HJ Promise education acts as Introductory level Divine Principle content. Aligning with the Education section of the Offering Table, the logical next step for each individual who has received the education on the Three Great Blessings and has made the Promise is to attend a local 2-day workshop.

Continue to keep in touch with your tribe, and work with your local HJ Promise Coordinator to figure out what the best route in deepening their education is.

+I'm a local HJ Promise Coordinator or want to become one. Where can I find more details?

Please refer to this document for all the HJ Promise Coordinator details. If you have further questions, contact our YAYAM team at yayam@unification.org!


Please email our YAYAM team at yayam@unification.org for further questions!
